The new cancer treatment experience

Autem Therapeutics - How do patients experience the Autem Therapy?

How do patients experience the AutEMsysTM therapy?

This revolutionary treatment is simple to administer and gentle on the patient. Healthcare providers simply insert a spoon-shaped antenna into the patient’s mouth to deliver a range of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic (EM) frequencies that induce hemodynamic responses (changes in beat-to-beat cardio parameters).

These changes are then measured and analyzed with proprietary Autem Therapeutics algorithms to identify the personalized EM treatment frequencies.

Autem Therapeutics - How often do patients need treatment?

How often do patients need AutEMsysTM therapy?

Treatment is supervised by a healthcare professional administered every two to four weeks. Treatment sessions last about 90 minutes in total.

Autem Therapeutics - What is needed to administer the treatment?

What is needed to administer the AutEMsysTM therapy?

The AutEMsysTM therapy only requires a comfortable place for the patient, an internet connection and electrical power.

Autem Therapeutics - AutEMdev
Autem Therapeutics - AutEMdev
Autem Therapeutics - AutEMdev
Autem Therapeutics - AutEMdev
Autem Therapeutics - AutEMdev
Autem Therapeutics - AutEMdev

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